Rosacea is a common chronic skin condition that mainly affects the face. It is estimated that approximately 1 in 10 people will suffer from it but many are unaware that they have it. The first sign of Rosacea is often facial flushing. It commonly affects people with fair skin and can affect both men and women. It can occur at any age but typically is noticeable at the age of 30.
People with Rosacea may also experience spots, papules and pustules, persistent redness of their skin. Small blood vessels in the skin can become visible. In the most severe cases, the skin can thicken and enlarge, usually on and around the nose and some people can ecperience eye irritation.
The exact cause of Rosacea is unknown but several triggers have been identified that may make the symptoms worse in some people. These can vary from person to person. These include:
* exposure to sunlight
* stress
* cold weather
* hot drinks
* alcohol
* eating certain foods, such as spicy foods
* dermodex folliculorum (microscopic mite)
There is no cure for Rosacea, but treatments are available to control the symptoms. Treatments for Rosacea include:
* Making lifestyle changes, such as avoiding possible triggers
* Wearing sunscreen can be a good way of controlling the symptoms of facial flushing
* Creams and gels
* Metronidazole
* Azelaic acid
* Antibiotics
* Visible blood vessels associated with Rosacea are known as Telangiectasia. Treatment for Telangiectasia will usually require a referral to a skin specialist.
* IPL treatment
* It may be possible to disguise patches of persistent red skin using specially designed 'camouflage' make-up
* Colonic Hydrotherapy
For more information on Rosacea and treatments available, contact the Claudia McGloin Clinic by calling 071 9140728 or send an email to
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